Classes & Programs

Ongoing Events/Activities

Upcoming Events

Join us for Bingo every Wednesday at Noon. If you would like to bring a sack lunch, we can put it in our fridge for you to enjoy following Bingo. 
We have a Birthday Bingo once a month and we will provide lunch following this Bingo. Bingo is free to attend thank to our fabulous sponsors.
Wii Bowling Tournament
Wednesday, May 1st at 1:45PM
Once a month we have a fun Wii Bowling Tournament, it is fun and competitive. You can win prizes just for participating. If you have never tried Wii Bowling, come out and give it a shot- it is a lot like regular bowling but a lot less strenuous & even more fun!Copy of Bowling Tournament Poster (1)
Mothers Day Event w/ Texas Winds Jazz Pianist Tony Palos
Friday, May 10th at 12PM
We are excited to welcome Jazz Pianist Tony Palos from the Texas Winds program for our Mothers Day celebration. We will have a light lunch while we enjoy the beautiful performance. Jazz Festival Event Wallboard (1)
Emergency Preparedness Class
Thursday, May 16th at 10:30AM

A Tarrant County Public Health Emergency Preparedness Specialist is coming at 10:30AM for a  joint presentation with the Saginaw Emergency Management Coordinator. 
emergency preparedness class

Alzheimer's Support Group Meeting
Tuesday, May 21st at 4:30PM
Please help us spread the word in the community that our senior center will host a monthly support group for family members dealing with a loved one that has Alzheimer’s or Dementia. The support group is open to all ages and non-members too. They will meet at the senior center on the third Tuesday every month from 4:30-6PM.ALZ_page-0001 (1) - Copy (3)
Cooking Well w/High Blood Pressure by AgriLife (3 consecutive weeks)
Thursday, June 6th, 13th & 20th at 12:30PM

AgriLife will be here to teach a fabulous program called, Cooking Well for Healthy Blood Pressure. It will cover prevention and management of a chronic disease and teaches how to make some yummy and healthy recipes to help support those goals. This is a three week consecutive class that meets for an hour (June 6th, June 13th & June 20th).

Fitness Classes

Tai Chi
Mondays at 9:00AM
Fridays at 9:00AM

Tai Chi is taught by John & Jason, Board Certified Instructors of Tai Chi for the Health Institute. Tai Chi is low impact and is great for arthritis, fall prevention, and relaxing for the mind. 
Senior Exercise
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9AM
A Senior exercise class with Donna, a Silver Sneakers certified instructor. All activity levels are welcome to attend. We use weights, balls and bands to achieve a full body workout.
Senior Movement
Wednesdays at 10:30AM
Donna (our instructor) has taken classes recently for a new Silver Sneakers Exercise program called Senior Movement. It will be the same great instructor as Tues/Thurs programs but slightly more vigorous. 
Rock Steady Boxing Class
Mondays at 1PM
Rock Steady Boxing is wonderful for Parkinson's and for upper body strength. Keep in mind that if you decide to take the classes you will need to purchase gloves. James will have some for sale & to view. 
Line Dancing
Mondays at 10:00AM
Wednesdays at 9:15AM
Fridays at 10:30AM
Our Line Dancing Classes with Peggy are fun and you get some exercise too! 

Arts & Crafts

Watercolor Painting with Sandi
Tuesdays at 10AM
Sandi is a very skilled & talented artist from ArtsNET that has been teaching for many years. If you have always wanted to learn how to watercolor paint, then please don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity.
Jewelry Making Class
Jewelry making is fun and you get to be creative too! If you are an expert or a novice, join in the fun! You can make a set of earrings, a necklace or a bracelet. We will have a staff member available for questions.
Crafts with Inez
We have the same class twice a month for crafts with in person RSVP ONLY and a 25 person per class limit. You are only allowed to attend one of the monthly classes, not both.
Sew Simple with Darlene
Sew Simple with Darlene is a beginners sewing class. In this beginners class, we will do hand sewing projects and learn how to use a sewing machine –nothing too advanced.
Sew What with Inez
Sew What with Inez is an advanced sewing class. This class will be more advanced and requires prior knowledge of using a sewing machine properly, as to not damage our machines. The sewing projects will be complex and often require participants to finish the project at home.
Monthly Coloring Contest
At the beginning of the month you can pick up the selected coloring sheet for the month. Turn it in by the posted due date to enter the contest. You can color with gel pens, colored pencils, or any method you prefer for your masterpiece. Coloring is a great way to relax your mind and stimulate your imagination (plus you could win a prize).